Monday, April 17, 2006

Okay, here's some pics...

Here are some pictures from our 4D Ultrasound that we had last Friday. I am 26 weeks along now and Ruby is totally normal in all her sizes and functions - except she does have long legs and big feet (go figure w/ me at 5'-9" & Rene at 6'-5").

Isn't she so cute!!!

And for all you that have been bugging me for pictures of myself - we finally shot a couple outside the ultrasound place on Friday. I promise that I will try to take some more. It was a bad hair day so I hesitated to post these at all.

I am definately getting large. My legs are holding the majority of my new weight and my ankles are swelling as we speak. I'm recovering from a sinus infection that has turned into a full blown cough - my poor daughter must be scared out of her mind from all the noise and jerking around.


Anonymous said...

Hi Heather and Rene! Ruby is so gorgeous! Heather, you have a beautiful pregnant belly.

Anonymous said...

You look so happy and radiant! Ruby looks just like a little Heather :)
I can't wait to meet her.

Anonymous said...

o...the ankle swelling. brings back memories! looking forward to see you.


Anonymous said...

hey little mama happy mothers day!! i love the name ruby. if i was ever to have a girl that is the name i wanted. it is tracys grandmothers name and i love it. i am super happy for you guys. and thank god you are having a girl. i dont think you would know what to do with a boy!!